Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Hi everybody!! Well... if I may say so myself, I'm quite the world traveler ;) HA! In the last week, I've been in the U.S., Germany, France, and now Switzerland.. and back to Germany, of course! Okay... not quite a world traveler, but I've been to three countries that I sure never had been to before!! I even left the European Union!! haha It's so weird too... I've only had to show my passport at the airport! Even in Switzerland, no one checks for I.D.s. I think it's pretty cool but it's kind of weird to think that now the U.S. is making it so much harder to come in and everyone else is kind of opening up their borders all at once.
Basel was really cool. It was only a little over an hour by train, with stops about every 10-20 minutes, I'd say. It's pretty cool that for about 23 euro, you can go to another country (as long as you're in a city close anyway!). While we were in Basel, we had lunch at a little cafe, walked through the main shopping area, and looked at the Muenster building there. Muenster is, according to wikipedia (what else, after all, could I rely on for educational info? HA!), was a type of church built, originally, not as a parish church but as a part of a monastery... but then in the 13th century, that all kind of stopped and it's just.. whatever it is! haha.. I sound so smart, huh?! :) Anyway, they're really cool, ornate, HUGE buildings. People are just everywhere in these churches and they (the whole two I've seen, I'm such an expert) have gift shops.
Then the Rhine river runs right through Basel, so we sat on some grass and watched people, talked, and had ice cream! It was really a very good day. We thought that it would be a nice, relaxing day but it ended up being at least 79 degrees Fahrenheit and with all the walking we did, we were both exhausted!! We got back to Freiburg and kind of just bummed around. We ate a quick dinner here and then watched a movie, KeinOhrHasen (Rabbit without Ears), with English subtitles *yay*.. it was a really cute love story. And now we're getting ready to crash for the day!
Tomorrow we're off to the Black Forest in the afternoon-- should be fun!
Hope you're all doing well!!!!!!!!!

Here are some pictures from Basel:


  1. Hi Amy! Just finished looking at your pics from Switzerland and WOW! Do you feel like this isn't really happening? It's very cool. I want to be there! : ) Glad you're having fun! Love ya, Curt & Karen

  2. haha, you are a girl after my own heart.... taking pictures of geese when everything around you is amazing. lol. sweet pics, aim! i'm jealous! love you!!! :)

  3. So I can't imagine that a movie titled "Rabbit without Ears" would be good... obviously not a Hollywood production! :)

    Liked the pics though! Crazy that there are that many American stores!

  4. Hi Amy! The stained glass windows are absolutely beautiful! I was amazed at how close the buildings were to the Rhine River. It looks like a huge river. Can't wait to see what the Black Forest looks like. Have a great day! Love, Mom

  5. I really can't believe I'm actually in Europe seeing these things!!
    But Erin, I took the pictures of the geese thinking of you and Andrea!! They were HUGE though!!!
    And it was actually a good movie!! The Rabbit w/o Ears was a stuffed animal and it connected the two people :) haha But no.. not Hollywood!!
    We're not off to the Black Forest after all.. but I'm sure whatever we end up doing will be equally cool!!
    Love you all!
