Wednesday, August 26, 2009

One Week!!

My count down is WAY down! According to my nerdy online countdown (b/c it's soo hard to count myself :)), I have exactly 7 days, 16 hours, 11 minutes and some odd seconds until my plane takes off for Germany!! WOW!!!

My to-do list is dwindling, as well. It went from a seemingly never-ending chore list to sitting and waiting until I can pack my bags and check off the last few items. Most of my clothes are laid out on my floor and one bag of toiletry items is mostly packed. I have been in Walmart more than any sane person ought to in the last 2 weeks. I can only think of two or three days I haven't been in... and some of the other days I went in twice so I'm not sure those even count!

I'm so ready to walk off that plane, see Katharina, and see Germany! I cannot believe that after 6 years, Katharina and I get to spend time together again!! Much less, in Germany!!! She has our week together pretty well planned, it sounds like-- Baden-Baden to visit her parents, Freiburg to see her friends, and possibly Basel, Switzerland and into France! It seems soo unreal that going to another country is soo easy!

More to come... and I mean, lots, lots more! :)

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